artist statement
The objective of jewelry is to impact or complement the story of the human body. This is informed by inherent material value and psychological/emotional value. Places and environments also have the ability to manipulate the perception of ourselves, just like something physically attached to us.
My work explores relationships, gender, behavior, communication, and sexuality through failure and absurdity in genuine efforts to find connection and love both with another person, and for myself. Each series functions as a time-stamp in a long process of self-discovery and learning.
I create jewelry and sculpture using a combination of technology and hand-skills. I start by drawing blueprints for objects using Rhinoceros 3D modeling software; I then use those drawings to guide my hand fabrication process, which could involve anything from piercing and sawing, cold-connections, welding and silver soldering to casting or forming. I work with a variety of materials from rubbers, plastics and fabrics to brass and silver. Many of the objects make incorporate a machined component. The conversation between the machine and the hand is important - the defined edge of a machined component lends credibility and emphasis to the hand’s translation of emotion, sincerity and history.