Boudoir Installation (above), Sculpture Installation Lab, Studio Arts Building, The University of Iowa. 2014
The boudoir is a space that exudes sexuality, while simultaneously functioning as a private space reserved for aerating intimate feelings and thoughts. It is a space that does not discredit or invalidate those thoughts or emotions; it allows them to simply exist.
Boudoir Mirror and Detail (above), Materials: CNC Laser cut acrylic, paper, purple ring wax, powdercoated steel, and photo-lithograph suspended in encaustic wax. 2014
Within the mirror a lithograph is partially veiled by a frosted horse silhouette. The lithograph features a repetitive blueprint drawing of a house. Purple ring wax was melted onto the blueprint in various locations throughout the house to symbolize pivotal moments in a relationship.
objects of synthetic affection
Set on the vanity were several objects that served to replicate affectionate touch when interacted with the human body. The objects offer temporary emotional healing by feeding the psychological hunger for human contact. The viewer was encouraged to touch themselves with the objects.
Dewy Skin, Materials: Brass, copper, powdercoat, and Dragon Skin. 2014
Corporeal Warmth, Materials: Brass, fabric, CNC laser-cut acrylic, and ceramic heating pad. 2014
Corporeal Warmth (Detail), Materials: Brass, fabric, CNC laser-cut acrylic, and ceramic heating pad. 2014